MG 2022 Peterborough
For vintage racing fans, we have also planned this event to coincide with and follow on immediately after the VARAC and MGVR Father's Day weekend event being held at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (formerly Mosport).
Please save the dates June 19 to 23, 2022 for an MG extravaganza.
This will be the fourth National Convention organised by the MGCCT on behalf of NAMGBR, having hosted MG'92, MG2010 (Belleville) and MG2015 (Niagara Falls).
Join the chat in the official MG 2022 forum here: MG 2022 Peterborough Forum
76 Members Attending this event ↵
Adam F
Alan Vinegar
Andrew Hardie
Andrew McCue
Andrew Stevenson
Barry Shnabel
Ben Clark
Bill Barge
Bill E
Brian M'Cardell
Bruce Fehlman
Bruce Wyckoff
Carolyn "Zelda" Davis Wochna
Dan Deute
Daniel Lynch
Darry Resmer
Dave Gardner
Dave Haywood
Dave Kray
Dave Quirt
Doug Miller
Doug Wochna
Drew Hastings
Duncan Taylor
Earl B
Fraser N
Gareth Goodchild
Gary Bowman
Gary Dabrowski
Gary Decker
Gary Lowrie
Graeme Jannaway
Graham Creswick
Greg Glassner
Harry Mueller
Jamie Fox
Jen Steeves
Jeremy Holdsworth
Jim Watson
John Anderson
John Cairns
John Deikis
John Leible
John Poulsen
Kenneth Whalley
Kurt Luneburg
Larry Norton
Leigh Nicholls
Mac M
Marc Dumay
Mark Bates
Michael C
Michel Desbiens
Peter Mittler
Peter Robinson
Philip B
Ray B
Rich Leslie
Richard Liddick
Richard Woodley
Rick Crosby
Rick Keens
Rick Stevens
Robert B
Robert C. Hagerman
Scott Wheatley
Stacey Curtis
Steve Cos
Steve P
Swamper Ca
Terry Allen
Todd Faubert
Tony Edge
Tony Shoviak
Trip Arnold
Vid S
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